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20 Sep

Hi, I’m Sumaiyah! In our A2 year for media our brief  was to create a short film lasting up to a maximum of 5 minutes.

My response to this brief was extremely positive as I found during my AS year of media filming I wanted to put a lot more scenes into it however due to the time limit this was out of the question. So have a 5 minute maximum time is ideal as it allows me to broaden my creativity and have a much longer amount of time to fill.

The other two members in my group are Ian Douglin and Shahriyar Rahman. I am quite pleased about working with them as they both are are high achieving media students and I think that together we will be able to create a good quality short film.

The challenges that I may face compared to the Foundation (AS) Production, which slightly challenges what I stated previously is that as the length of the short film we were given is much longer than the 2 minutes we were given in the AS Production a much larger time period would need to be given to it as to create a high standard short film would need much more dedication that a 2 minute thriller opening like last year.

A short film that inspires me is FEAR. We were asked to create a presentation on a short film and me and my partner in the project chose to do FEAR as it is quite original in the sense that all of it was shot in a polluted blue colour which contradicts the typical associations with the colour blue as it is commonly seen to be calming, gentle and relaxing; whereas in this short film it brings about feelings of anxiety.

Another quite interesting short film I came across during the presentations was one of my classmates choices which was a film short called Alma. I found it to be extremely effective as although there was no dialogue throughout it and only music, it still kept the interest of the audience due to its quite dark and uneasy story-line as not a lot of it is given away immediately.

From these two short films I would like to similarly make use of typical stereotypes of certain environments and play with the audiences mind in order for the to be unable to anticipate what will happen in the duration of the short film.