22 Mar

After looking at previous students work to get a feel of how to adapt to emulating the ways of Little White Lies I began to write my own review. Also armed with a writing frame to keep me on track with the layout and structure of LWL reviews I felt prepared enough to create my own.

Below is my first draft of my review.


Possibly one of the most psychologically gripping films ‘Project Paranoia’ plays with your own interpretation of storylines via the sudden comedic element. The astounding acting skills of Ali Hussain and the wit of new kid on the block Kenneth Busumbru create something new for the world of cinema.

Through the alluring interpretation of first hand experiences with the controversial subject of schizophrenia the actors take to their roles like a fish to water. Now, at this point you might be thinking ‘well this sounds like a one way ticket to depression valley!’ but fear not, this is stopped in its tracks with the pioneering comical twist.

The expertise and know-how skills of the director Sumaiyah Khan Anwar, more widely known for her directing abilities in the emotionally tantalising film ‘The Lonely Soul’, shows that she has found her niche in the film industry after a lull in her career, as she springs onto the scene for a second time with ‘Project Paranoia’. What is it they say? It’s like riding a bike, you never forget. This mixed in with the accomplished work of Shahriyar Rahman in the highly acclaimed ‘Bloodshot’, as producer creates a concoction of two separate worlds intertwining in order to construct a uniquely individual film.

A psychologically invigorating depiction of a troubled man with schizophrenia, toys with the audiences mind through the visual representation of the disarray from within his mind showcased onto the big screen. We take a gripping journey with Ali as he battles with his demon within. What’s going to happen to him? Will he do it? He wouldn’t, would he? Are the kind of questions you will find yourself asking while you’re caught into the storyline. Without giving too much away about the comedic twist midway through, it will have you wondering whether it’s reality or not, or just a figment of his imagination. But hey, that’s for you to decide.

Amongst the high standard acting quality, wonders in directing and producing, the excellence in mise en scene, and not to forget the impeccable skilled editing which truly helps to put the final pieces of a schizophrenic puzzle, will really get you into the feel of the movie. It will take you on an emotional rollercoaster ride to the unknown, all you can do is buckle up and get ready for the ride.

Overall, I believe that ‘Project Paranoia’ is a film that is a guaranteed thrill seeker with a pinch, well a spoonful, of humour! Despite their mediocre budget, the team pull together all their resources to create a truly groundbreaking piece of cinematography.

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