25 Nov

On our first day of editing we uploaded all our footage and put it onto chronological order of how it will be in the finished product.

As my other group members were not comfortable with editing I took a lead role in this process and they gave me may ideas of how the clips should flow, this made it easier for us to edit as within this process we all had our own individual roles which helped to let the process flow.

Me editing.

After roughly putting together all our footage we began to see the film come to life and asked our media technician to have a look at it to see if the story-line was portrayed clearly. She said it was clear but we should have the clip linger for a bit longer when the camera is revealed to the audience which is the main part of our twist. Once we did this it became more clear.

During the editing my group became more comfortable and chose to edit some clips themselves. They edited some of the conversation scenes and made it more quick paced.

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