23 Nov

On our third day of filming we had a variety of shots to film. First we decided to get an establishing shot of Ali our main character sitting on a bench in a vast greenery area. From there we got various angles of his body E.G mid shots close ups, long shots. These were all filmed on ‘The Green’ in Wanstead.

The things we had to film on the third day:

  • Ali in the park (various shots)
  • Ali walking
  • Ali crossing the road in an anxious and paranoid manner
  • Ali buying something from a shop but unable to (various shots needed)
  • People walking into another shop
  • Ali trying to walk into the shop but being told he isn’t allowed
  • Ali walking away in an uneasy manner

One of the main issues we faced was finding shops to film in as due to the fact that we had limited time we had to ask the shop owners on the day rather than beforehand enabling them to prepare. We were turned down by the first shop as they could not get in contact with their head office so we turned to the shop next door who were happy to let us film. Also we wanted shots from behind the counter but had to understand that this was not allowed as we were not employees so we dealt with this by getting more creative shots on the other side of the counter. Our final day of filming was a big success as when I uploaded the footage onto the iMac and added the shots needed into our film order we had over 5 minutes of footage which was perfect!

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